Timber Sales and Harvesting in Angola
Timber harvesting or as some may call it logging, is a form of forest management. Timber harvesting is widely used to open up the forest, and allow more sunlight into the forest area, so the natural process of growing new trees may take place more easily.
Most seeds are produced near the top of trees, and by thinning out the forest, you allow the seeds to fall. Then, the sun and rain work together to generate new trees. This is the evolutionary process of the forest.
There are many other types of timber harvesting and logging that we offer at Forest Forever, LLC in Angola. Wherever you are in various midwest states, our foresters look forward to discussing your specific ideas and questions with you! Please give us a call at 765.635.1790 to make your request today.

Timber Harvesting
Timber harvesting or as some may call it, logging, is a form of forest management.